Ubuntu 24.04 sshd settings to work with make.com

We use make.com for a lot of automation tasks across the company, especially in automating HR account work. One common thing I do is use make.com to call GAM running on a linux server on GCP.

Aruba "magic" VLAN and DHCP

We are running a fairly complicated wireless environment to support the honestly silly amount of phones we see at the office every day. My predecessors had invested quite a bit in Aruba Access Points connected to Aruba Central, and I have had no reason to change vendor.

Samba4, ZFS on Linux and Mac OS X clients

After quite a bit of testing last year, I got Samba 3.6.x to play pretty nicely with Mac OS X clients. Pretty nicely in this context means that the logon and permissions worked as needed, the performance was decent and office programs and adobe programs worked with files on the share.

From VMWare Fusion to Bootcamp

Every story cannot be a success story, sometimes mistakes need to be mentioned as well.

Metropolia Mediaday 2014

I was invited to talk to students and staff at Mediaday 2014 at my alma mater, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. I talked a bit about the basics of MDM and demoed Profile Manager in a talk named Mobile Device Management - the Apple way.

Finmacadmin 2014.2

The second Finmacdmin-meeting was planned at MacSysadmin 2014 in Gothenburg, and mainly arranged by Robin Laurén at Reaktor.

Mac kunnossapito

Kävin puhumassa Apple-käyttäjät ry:n Ammattilaiset Kohtaavat-tilaisuudessa aiheesta Macin kunnossapito ammattilaisille. Kohteena oli erilaiset ammattikäyttäjät, joilla ei ole tukenaan IT-tukea tai -osastoa, mutta halauvat pitää koneensa käyttökunnossa.